Expert Litigation and Specialised legal services practised are listed below.
The rare combination of sound business knowledge, legal acumen, fortitude and temprance uniquely empowers us to distinguish ourselves in delivering authoritative and practical solutions for particular legal requirements.

Divorce, Family & Child Law
Divorces, Child Custody, Universal Partnerships, Antenuptials
We practice matrimonial and child law, including:

Commercial Law
Commercial Contracts
We attend to drafting, vetting and execution of commercial contracts, for Companies, Close Corporations and other business ventures, such as:-

Business Law
Debt Collection, Insolvency, Bankruptcy, Liquidations
We take instructions for debt collection, insolvencies and bankruptcies from the outset to conclusion.

Labour Law
Labour & Industrial Relations
We also attend to various commercial labour agreements, claims, dismissals, Industrial relations and labour litigation, including:-

Commercial | Business Law
Companies & Close Corporations
With our sound business knowledge we can manage the legal affairs of any Company, Close Corporation or single proprietors, no matter how small or how large, we have the solution and advice.

Property Law
Property, Conveyancing, Sectional Title, Levy Collections
Fixed Property is always an investment and we are here to make sure your investment is safe and taken care of.

Wills, Estates and Trusts
Wills and Estates
We assist our clients with advice, drafting, preparation and execution of Wills and Trust Deeds.

Tax Law
Ancillary Services
Utilising our network of professional services, we are able assist with:-

Media Law
Films and Publications
In media law, we practice in the fields of Advertising and Films & Publications.

Criminal Law
Criminal Defence – no more tattoed tear drops™
Freedom, life, dignity and security of person are your constitutionally guaranteed rights.
AA SLAMAT - Attorney-at-Law
B.COM (Law & Economics), LL.B. (Mercantile Law), LL.M.
(Commercial Contracts & Commercial Law), RPE 2004 (South African Institute of Financial Markets)
Email: asl@slamatlaw.co.za | Tel: +27 (0)10 300 0883 | (0)11 568 6099
Click on the social links below and get all our latest news and updates.
Copyrighted Ashley Slamat Attorney
Cyberensics SA
Home Owners Associations Law
Sectional Title Law
Companies Law
Johannesburg Lawyer
Fourways Lawyer
AA SLAMAT - Attorney-at-Law
B.COM (Law & Economics), LL.B. (Mercantile Law), LL.M. (Commercial Contracts & Commercial Law), RPE 2004 (South African Institute of Financial Markets)
Email: asl@slamatlaw.co.za
Tel: +27 (0)10 300 0883 | (0)11 568 609
Click on the social links below and get all our latest news and updates.
Copyrighted Ashley Slamat Attorney