
Couples mediation – is your relationship worth saving?

It is said that a divorce is a post mortem of a dead marriage.

Many couples find themselves in a position where it is apparent that there is no more romance or other feelings left in a relationship but one or both spouses or partners do not have the will or inclination to find a solution to the apparent issues or problems experienced.

For those who choose not to take the brave step to seek help in their relationship a divorce or uncoupling will be the likely outcome invariably with heartache and the unpleasantness of a post mortem.

However, for those couples who do want help to assist them in rekindling the romance or lost feelings, then there is help when you need it. Couples mediation is available for those who wish to save their relationship or resolve problems holding them back.

Experience shows that taking the first step in looking for help in troubled relationships is the most difficult. Thereafter once you’ve engaged in a process with an experienced attorney the possibilities of rediscovering the romance and lost feelings turn into probabilities by engaging in open and frank discussions towards finding the solutions which both parties seek. At the outset of the process it is best to determine if both parties actually want to try to save the relationship, and if so the chances of doing so are greatly enhanced.

If it transpires that there is no joint inclination to save the relationship then experience shows that it is best to move on with your respective lives so as to improve your prospects of rehabilitating yourselves and not wasting time by losing years of your lives in a dead marriage.

After all, in the final analysis, is there anything worse than lost time?